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titleVersion 6.6

STARFACE UCC Client for Windows, Version 6.6.0 Build

The technical change history contains a more detailed view of the changes in the new version. The installers (as MSI and EXE files) can be found on the STARFACE Downloads page.

The STARFACE UCC Client for Windows requires Windows 7 or higher


New Features

  • Function keys and busy lamp fields can now be configured within the UCC Client for Windows.

  • Moderated conferences can now be planned and configured within the UCC Client for Windows.

  • Users can now change their user profile and avatar within the UCC Client for Windows.
  • Files can now be sent via copy & paste and from the clipboard in a chat window.
  • The chat status is now displayed on the UCC Client tray icon and can be set via right-mouse click.
  • Received files are now saved in the default "Downloads" directory.
  • The automatic resolution of emoticons and telephone numbers in chat messages can now be deactivated via an Expert Mode setting.
  • Telephone numbers in chat messages are now displayed with a telephone earpiece symbol.
  • The audio codec used for telephone calls can now be set via an Expert Mode setting.
  • AddIn Express 9.1.4620 was integrated.
  • Sennheiser SDK 6.0.8011 was integrated.


  • The Outlook Connector occasionally became undocked. [Call#6911595]

  • In some configurations, TAPI calls only worked after multiple attempts. [Call#6909616][Call#6911648]
  • In some situations the TAPI connector did not write a log.
  • It was possible, under certain conditions, for a user to see another user's address book.
  • The chat message indicator displayed "infinity" when the user had more than 10 unread messages. [Call#6909802]
  • Some character sequences were not selected fully when double-clicked.
  • The character "&" was not displayed in chat status messages.
  • It was possible for an error to occur when adding a participant to a conference call.
  • The client could become unresponsive when starting a chat session by drag-and-dropping a BLF on the Chat window.
  • The client required a softphone license after an update, even when the softphone was never activated. [Call#6911047]
  • The call list size limit in the Outlook Add-On was not respected. [Call#6914732]
  • Fixed miscellaneous minor visual errata.
  • Some features did not take user permissions into account.
  • There was no notification message when the client did not have permission to access the microphone.
  • The Outlook Add-On displayed outgoing TAPI calls as incoming calls. [Call#6911671]
  • Under certain conditions, users weren't able to handle forms properly.
  • Sometimes there were missing skin files after an update
