

This module defines time-controlled redirections for freely configurable call numbers with different destinations.

Tab "General"

This tab contains the name and the general logging information of the module.

Tab "Configuration"

The configurable items are:

Legacy mode: If this checkbox is activated, fully qualified call numbers (incl. country and area codes) do not have to be specified. When the incoming call is being processed by the module, a wildcard (*) is automatically prefixed to the specified call number. Therewith, the behavior of the module as in STARFACE version 5.8 and earlier is displayed.

Redirection for: This input field is used to configure the destination numbers for which the time-controlled redirection applies.

Exceptions: Call numbers for which redirecting does not take effect can be stored at this point.

The complete call number does not always have to be specified during this process; instead, “wildcards” can also be used. The wildcard * stands for several arbitrary digits, and ? stands for one digit exactly. Some sample applications might look like this:


All calls to an arbitrary number containing 151042 are redirected.


All calls ending in 1075 are redirected.
8822??All calls that begin with 8822 and are followed by any two digits are diverted.

All calls are redirected.

Redirection from: This input field is used to store the caller numbers for which the time-controlled redirection applies.

Exceptions : This input field is used to store the caller numbers for which the time-controlled redirection do not apply.

Note: The wildcards mentioned above can also be used in these two input fields.

Ignore Internal calls: If this checkbox is activated, calls from internal telephones or internal call numbers are not redirected.

Redirection periods: This input field is used to configure the period in which the time-controlledredirection applies. Time information with up to three conditions consisting of the date, weekdays and time can be configured in each row. These conditions are separated by spaces and each row is evaluated as a whole. The rows are checked from top to bottom, and as soon as the conditions in one row have been met, the other rows are not checked further.

Some sample applications are:

06.01.2018  – 06.30.2018Applies from 06/01/2018 to 06/30/2018 (00.00 a.m. to 11.59 p.m.)


Applies to the whole of 06/15/2018 from 00.00 a.m. to 11.59 p.m.
MondayApplies to every Monday from 00.00 a.m. to 11.59 p.m.
Saturday – SundayApplies to every Saturday and Sunday from 00.00 a.m. to 11.59 p.m.

11:00 –18:00

Applies every day from 11.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.

Saturday 6:00 –13:00

Applies every Saturday from 6.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.

Due to the combination of different conditions, very complex time controls can also be displayed.

Note: The order of the conditions in a line can be chosen arbitrarily.

Date/time language: Set the language used here to correctly process the date. The entered time information must correspond to the respective language format. This means for date information in German and mm/dd/yyyy for date information in English.

If an entire weekday is specified, this language setting also applies and must be observed. For example, the entry "Monday" is not recognized when "de" is selected or "Montag" is not recognized when "en" is selected.

Redirection target: This drop-down menu defines to which redirection destination the incoming calls are redirected. A redirected call rings for 45 seconds at the redirection destination before the module terminates the incoming call. The termination after 45 seconds does not apply to calls that have been accepted in any form by the redirected destination (e.g. queue of an iQueue or mailboxes).

The following options are possible:


If this option is selected, the number of the voicemail box to which the call is redirected must be specified in the Mailbox No.: field. You can find the mailbox number in the voicemail list in the format *9XXX, whereby XX defines the voicemail box number.


If this option is selected, an audio file of the “wav” type (mono, 8 kHz, 16 bit, PCM) must be uploaded using the "Upload File" button. This audio file is then played to the redirected caller.

NumberFor this option, an internal or external call number to which the caller is redirected must be stored in the Phone Number field. If an external call number is configured as a destination, it must always be specified in the fully qualified format (e.g. 0049721778899).
Audio + NumberThe uploaded announcement file is played back first of all, and then the caller is forwarded to the entered internal or external number. If an external call number is configured as a destination, it must always be specified in the fully qualified format (e.g. 0049721778899).
Audio + MailboxThe uploaded announcement file is played back first of all, and then the caller is forwarded to the entered mailbox number. The voicemail box greeting is not played.

Note: The English language options in the drop-down menu can be used as equivalents to the German language options. They are used to prepare for the module’s internationalization.

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