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Web interface of the STARFACE
Menu "Configuration"
Menu "Server"
Tab "State"

Generally, the search for new versions of STARFACE is triggered using the "Search now" button. If a newer version than the one currently installed is found, the corresponding release note is shown. Whether the displayed version can also be installed is directly linked to the imported licenses and the existence of an update contract (see also “Reading the License Information on the STARFACE”).

Under the heading "System update" you can select which of the available versions should be installed. Under the heading "Modul updates" you can see whether all installed modules are compatible with the new version of STARFACE. If more recent versions of the modules are available, they are automatically selected by checkbox and are updated as part of the system update. Warnings are also issued if, for example, a module is not released or cannot be updated.

Note: It is absolutely necessary for STARFACE to be able to access the necessary server addresses.

A backup is performed automatically before the update is installed. If an error occurs during installation, the previous STARFACE state is restored without data loss. Depending on the extent of the backup, the process may take several minutes. At the end of the update the STARFACE is restarted and in the update view there is the possibility to switch back to the login on the web interface of the STARFACE.

There are two possible ways of carrying out the installation process:

Please note that an update from version to a higher version of STARFACE always involves a complete reinstallation.

Performing Download and Installation Together

  1. The “Separate Download and Installation” checkbox is not selected
  2. Search for a new version using the button "Search now"
  3. Select the version to install
  4. Wait for the new version to download and install
Note: In this installation variant, STARFACE is completely unavailable while the new versions is being downloaded and installed. So no incoming or outgoing calls, redirections, etc. can be made.

Separate Download and Installation

  1. The “Separate Download and Installation” checkbox must be selected
  2. Search for a new version using the button "Search now"
  3. Select the version to install
  4. Specify the time for starting the download
  5. Wait until the download in the background has ended
  6. Start the installation process at any time using the “Install Now” button
Note: In this installation variant, STARFACE is not completely available during the actual installation process. So, no incoming or outgoing calls, redirections, etc. can be made. The download runs in the background and can also be set to low-load times.
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