


This guide describes the various stages of analysis that can help you narrow down problems with outgoing faxes.

Analysis Steps (Basis)

  1. Is only a specific target number affected or all target numbers?
  2. Does the error occur on all outgoing faxes?
  3. Is the fax sent via a hardware fax or via a software fax?
  4. Is the sender number correctly entered for the corresponding user (see also Configuring the Fax Settings as Administrator)?
  5. What kind of line is faxed on?
  6. What is the size of the fax (number of pages, quality, file size, etc.)?
  7. Which file format is faxed?
  8. Does an internal test fax work from user to user?
  9. Does the error change if Echo Cancellation (EC) for the used line is deactivated?

Analysis Steps (Log Files)

If the fax transmission is displayed via the STARFACE software fax, the fax transmission can be analyzed in more detail in the Hylafax log files. For this, the root user must access the STARAFCE via ssh (see also Password for the Root User ).  In the following directory:


there is a separate log file for each incoming or outgoing fax .The log files are numbered consecutively and can be assigned most easily by the timestamp of the log file. If an error occurs, an E-code (for example, E128 or E258) is documented within the log file, each of which is assigned to a specific status (see also Overview of the E-error codes).

Extending the Logging

If the log level of the Hylafax logfiles is insufficient, you can do so via the command:

sed -i 's/^\(SessionTracing:\s*\)1/\1286/' /var/spool/hylafax/etc/config.ttyIAX*

the log level can be increased. After that, you need to use the following command:

service hylafax restart

to restart all existing software faxes to activate the change.

Note: Restarting the software fax interrupts all active incoming and outgoing fax transmissions.

  • Keine Stichwörter