

Web interface of the STARFACEMenu "Configuration"Menu "Lines"Tab"Emergency Call"

Any emergency and special call number can be set using the or button. The name of the emergency call line should be chosen as clearly and meaningfully as possible. The phone number is entered in the right field and each number must be assigned at least one line.

Additional lines can be added to any emergency number using the button . If several lines are entered, it should be noted that the priority of the lines is always run through from top to bottom.

Note: The official emergency numbers 110 and 112 cannot be assigned as internal numbers on STARFACE. The two numbers are reserved for emergency calls. In addition, various special numbers cannot be assigned as internal numbers, such as the authority number 115 (see also Übersicht der länderspezifischen Notrufnummern und Sonderrufnummern).

If phones are operated on the STARFACE in different area codes, the phones must be assigned to these locations. This is to ensure that when an emergency call is made, the call is connected to a local emergency call center. If an emergency call is made to an emergency number or to a special number via the STARFACE App for Android or STARFACE App for iOS, this call is always made via GSM and not via STARFACE. This ensures, that the mobile device can be located by the emergency call center.

New locations can be added after clicking on the configuration icon in the top right corner. The drop-down menu can be used to switch between the different location profiles.  

Note: A line with the associated area code must be configured for each location and the appropriate location profile must be set up in the telephone settings for each device that is not operated at the main location (see also "Detailed Information for Phones").

An example could look like this:

The STARFACE is operated in Berlin (area code 30), making Berlin the main location (default). However, some telephones are located in a branch in Hamburg (area code 40) and are also connected to the STARFACE. In this case, the procedure would be as follows:

  • Set up the emergency numbers in the "Default" location profile and assign them the line with the Berlin area code.
  • Then create the "Hamburg" location profile.
  • Set up the emergency numbers in the "Hamburg" location profile and assign them a line with a Hamburg area code.
  • The emergency call location "Hamburg" must now be set for the relevant telephones (see also "Detailed Information for Phones").