
Web interface of the STARFACEMenu "Configuration"Menu "Users"Button "Edit"Tab "Phone Numbers"

This tab is used to configure the outgoing phone number signaling of the user.

Display number: This section is used to define the phone number via the drop-down menu, which is signaled when an outgoing call is made to an external phone number. The phone number selected here can also influence the selection of the outgoing line (see also "Configuring the Routing on the STARFACE").

Primary internal number: This selection is used to assign the function keys.

Primary external number: The call number selected here is used in the system network as an alternate number if the user cannot be reached using the internal call number. In addition, the country and area codes of the call number specified here are supplemented if a call is made to the local network without a fully qualified number.

Assign New Phone Numbers

The buttons "Add Number" or open the list of available internal and external phone numbers that can be assigned to a user. Only the phone numbers which have not yet been assigned to another user, group, conference room or module configuration are shown in this list.

Configuring Phone Number Properties

The default rule determine which function on the STARFACE is behind a specific phone number.

Standard Call: The number is treated as a regular telephone number.

Conference Room: The number is permanently reserved as a conference room. This setting is independent of the planned conferences of the STARFACE. The conferences conducted via this number can also be controlled via the key commands on the telephone, but cannot be monitord/tracked in the web interface.

Software Fax: The number is identified as a fax number, but unlike with the "Software Fax2Mail", the user can only view incoming faxes in the STARFACE web interface’s fax lists.

Software Fax2Mail: This number is identified as a fax number where all the incoming faxes are forwarded to the user’s e-mail address as PDF files. However, the faxes can still be viewed in the STARFACE web interface’s fax lists.

Note: In this drop-down menu, other selection items may be available e.g. due to module configurations. Please note the respective module descriptions.
  • Keine Stichwörter