
Web interface of the STARFACEMenu "Configuration"Menu "Users"Button "Edit"

The header of an outgoing fax can be configured individually for each user. These settings apply to sending faxes using the fax printer in the STARFACE UCC Client for Windows or Mac.

If no information is saved here for the user, STARFACE uses "STARFACE FAX" (without quotation marks) as the sender name and does not set a sender number.

Note: The sender’s number must be in the international format and entered without any spaces or special characters.

There are two options for tracking sent faxes:

Transmission reportA send report is also saved in the user’s fax lists for the respective sent and received faxes using this option
Transmission result by e-mailThe send report and the faxed document are sent to the sender’s e-mail address

Even if fax transmissions are unsuccessful, transmission reports are generated and sent if the checkbox is activated.

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