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This guide describes the various stages of analysis that can help to analyze the cause of an acute telephony outage.

Analysis steps (basis)

  1. Are both incoming and outgoing calls affected?
  2. Is the internal telephony also affected?
  3. Sind alle Zielnummern betroffen?
  4. What status does the used line in the line area of the STARFACE show?
  5. Does the error picture change after a restart of the affected line or the STARFACE?
  6. If the error image changes after a restart of external components, such as NTBAs or routers?
  7. Does the error picture change after cross exchange of the used ports (only with ISDN maps)?
  8. Has there been any changes to the existing network infrastructure (e.g., firewall rules or DHCP server)?

Analysis steps (log files)

In the two log files "full" and "support" in the web interface of the STARFACE you can, for example, be checked whether incoming calls reach the STARFACE at all or with which status an outgoing call breaks off.

  1. View log files on the STARFACE web interface
  2. Enable Logging of SIP Packets
  3. Enable TCPdump on the STARFACE
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