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Web interface of the STARFACEMenu "Configuration"Menu "Adressbook"Tab "Configuration"

In this tab the connection of an external address book via LDPA to the STARFACE can be configured. The following key data are required to connect an address directory via LDAP:

  • Server address (with port specified in the port number format as an option)
  • User name
  • Password
  • Base folder of the LDAP server

The user account used must have read rights for the base folder and write and read rights for the address book directories.

LDAP syntactically uses what are known as “distinguished names” (DNs) as unique identifiers. These are made up of comma-separated units such as DC= (domain controller) or CN= (common name) which display the directory path. The username and base folder must be entered in this syntax. The directory of an organizational unit (OU=) is expected as the base folder.


Server address: or 192.168.100:712
Username: CN=ldapuser,CN=users,DC=domain,dc=de
Password: xxxxxx
Base folder: OU=addresses,DC=domain,DC=de

Note: In the case of a AD Win Server 2012, the base folder must be the contacts’ topmost OU (e.g. OU=contacts,DC=domain,DC=tld). The user can be in a different OU, but must then be specified in a fully qualified manner (e.g. CN=administrator,OU=users,DC=domain,DC=tld).

Using the “Search Mode” checkbox, it is possible to select whether the search in the LDAP address book is carried out with many wildcards (“exact” selection) or with fewer wildcards (“fast” selection).

A configured connection can be tested via the "Test Connection" button. Once the LDAP interface is used, there are the following limitations compared to using the internal STARFACE address books:
  • The private address books in the STARFACE can no longer be used
  • There is no longer an address book that includes all STARFACE users
  • The speed dial functionality (* 6) via the address book is omitted without replacement
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