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To enable the logging of the SIP packets on the STARFACE, the following steps must be performed:
  1. Connect via ssh to STARFACE
  2. Login with the root user (see also "Password for the Root User")
  3. Enter command "asterisk -rvvvv" (without quotation marks) and confirm with Enter key
  4. Enable logging of SIP packets
Various commands are available for activating the SIP packet logging:


sip set debugLogging of all received and sent SIP packets (up to version 5 of STARFACE)
sip set debug on
Logging of all received and sent SIP packets (from version 6 of STARFACE)
sip set debug ip IP-Adresse
Only SIP packets received from the IP address and sent to the IP address will be logged.

sip set debug peer Peer-Name

Only SIP packets received by this peer and sent to this peer are logged.

sip set debug off

Deactivation of the entire SIP logging
The SIP packets are written in the PBX logfile of the STARFACE and can be read there without a special analyzer. The current PBX log file can always be found in the file "full" in the directory:


The SIP packages can also be viewed in the full logfile in the STARFACE web interface (see also "Viewing Log Files on the STARFACE Web Interface").

Note: The activated SIP logging writes large amounts of data into the PBX logfile, so it is recommended that logging should only be activated in a targeted manner and not run continuously.

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