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titleVersion 6.4.1

STARFACE UCC Client f0r Windows, Version 6.4.1 Beta, Build


  • It is now possible to deactivate and delete the local chat history

  • The TAPI call states for outgoing calls have been optimized

  • Search: It is now possible to select from the results with the arrow keys and dial by pressing Enter


  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: Busy Lamp Field and Quick Dial keys would persist when logged out or when changing the server.

  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: Newly created address book entries were not being displayed immediately.

  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: It was possible for not selected Voicemails to be moved when moving multiple Voicemail messages. [Call#:1053729]

  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: No error message was displayed when attempting to send a fax to a contact without a fax number.

  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: Chat rooms were instantly closed if a user left the chat room.

  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: Doorline-keytones were not written to STARFACE server logs.

  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: The error message displayed when a chat partner was logged off opened a pop-up window like a new incoming message.

  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: It was possible for an error to occur when an incoming call closely followed a recorded call [Call#1059070 ]

  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: The TAPI Support Service could show multiple warnings in certain circumstances.

  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: It was possible for Voicemails to be incorrectly displayed.

  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: Fixed an issue which prevented the client from displaying new faxes [Call#1060312]

  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: It was possible for an error to occur when logging in if the user had deactivated the function key panel

  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: fixed an issue which prevented the altering of a hotkey [Call#1060091]

  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: Querying the calender for appointments significantly slowed down the start time of Microsoft Outlook [Call#1061040]

  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: It was possible for the audio performance test to prevent audio transmission on subsuquent phone calls

