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titleVersion 8.1.5 (Beta)

STARFACE for iOS, Version 8.1.5 Build 28, Release Date: 2312.0507.2024 (Beta)


Version 8.1.5 Build


8 (Release Date:





Improvements / Optimizations

  • Technical optimization for clean SIP connection termination when the user exits the app.
  • Improved login process: A warning is now displayed when a login attempt is made without a password or login ID.
  • More understandable error message when a user tries to log in without specifying a server.


  • Optimized Behavior for Emergency Call Handling:
    • Default handling of emergency calls via mobile networks has been changed: Emergency numbers are now always dialed via the cellular network (native telephony) by default. (Note: An activated SIM card in the iPhone is required for this!)
    • Additional option "Emergency SOS" in the app settings to be able to change the default behavior for handling emergency calls if necessary (emergency calls via mobile networks or emergency calls via STARFACE)
    • Informing app users about the changed default behavior for making emergency calls (via a one-time pop-up message)
  • Technical optimization:
    • Revised version of PhoneNumberConverter 2.0 
    • for clean SIP connection termination when the user exits the app.
  • Improved login process: A warning is now displayed when a login attempt is made without a password or login ID.
  • More understandable error message when a user tries to log in without specifying a server.
  • Improvements to the display of the info message for the changed emergency call handling
  • [SC] Optimizations regarding previous sporadic problems with aborted voicemail recording [Call#7868711] [Call#7916611]


  • Bugfixes to fix / prevent increased app crashes.
  • (FIxed) Issues in the journal in the Chat tab:
    • Only a maximum of 25 chats were displayed in the journal.
    • In some cases, not all unseen chat messages could be viewed, so the counter in the Chat tab did not reset to "zero".
  • (Fixed) Automatic reconnection at app start without network connection. The app now automatically establishes a connection as soon as a network connection is available again.
  • (FIxed) The chat status changed unintentionally when the SF iOS app was brought back to the foreground (to the last active status set in the SF iOS app itself, if the status was changed again in the SF desktop app in the meantime and the SF iOS app was then moved to the background).
  • (FIxed) If the user received an incoming call immediately after a force close of the SF app, there were problems answering the call (approx. in the first 3 minutes after the force close).
  • (FIxed) [SC] Incoming call was signaled briefly and then aborted [Call#7906986]
  • (FIxed) Issues in the journal in the Chat tab:
    • Only a maximum of 25 chats were displayed in the journal.
    • In some cases, not all unseen chat messages could be viewed, so the counter in the Chat tab did not reset to "zero".
  • (Fixed) Automatic reconnection at app start without network connection. The app now automatically establishes a connection as soon as a network connection is available again.

In some cases:

  • [SC] The SF app did not ring for an incoming call when it was opened for the first time [Call#7924568].
