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titleBeta-Version 7.1.0

STARFACE for iOS, Version 7.1.0 Build 6 (Beta)7, Release Date: 0414.10.2021 (Beta)

Beta-Version 7.1.0 Build


7 (Release Date:



Notes About The Release

  • From now on, at least iOS 13 (and higher) is required to use STARFACE for iOS.


  • [SC] If a call has been initiated via the keypad, the number entered is no longer displayed in the keypad after the call has ended. [Call#6936311]
  • If the filter "Own" was selected in the journal, no entries for chat messages were displayed.
  • Bei aktivierter Amtsholung konnte ein Anruf aus der Anrufliste des Journals ohne das angegebene Präfix nicht korrekt gestartet werden.
  • Bei aktivierter Amtsholung schlug der Anruf einer voll qualifizierten externen Rufnummer aus dem Nummernblock ohne das angegebene Präfix fehl.
  • If the public access prefix was activated, a call from the call list could not be started correctly without the specified prefix.
  • If the public access prefix was activated, calling a fully qualified external number from the Numpad without the specified prefix failed.
  • If the public access prefix was activated, the callback of an external number via the call symbol in the Voicemail tab of the journal did not work correctlyBei aktivierter Amtsholung funktionierte der Rückruf einer externen Rufnummer über das Rufsymbol im Reiter Voicemail des Journals nicht korrekt.
  • Outgoing call failed when dialing French numbers without international prefix.
  • [SC] In some cases the app could not log in to the server when chat was disabled. [Call#6993084] [Call#6993393] [Call#6993938] [Call#6992736] [Call#6992564] [Call#6994172] [Call#6995463] [Call#6989987] [Call#6992802] [Call#6996968]

New Features / Improvements

  • Custom ringtone (iPhone ringtone can be selected as ringtone for the STARFACE app).
  • [SC] If the public access prefix is activated, outgoing calls without the specified prefix are executed correctly. [Call#6953458] [Call#6945246] [Call#6940808]
  • [SC] Calls are dialed with correct country prefix if the user's primary external number is not in the same country as the global line configuration. [Call#6953458]
