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titleBeta-Version 7.1.12

STARFACE for Android, Version 7.1.1 2 Build 366 367 (Beta), Release Date: 2404.0910.2021 (Beta)

Beta-Version 7.1.


2 Build


367 (Release Date:






  • If the filter "Own" was selected in the journal, no entries for chat messages were displayed.
  • Bugfixes to stabilize the call handling
  • Opening and calling a phone number linked on a website with the STARFACE app did not work.
  • In a three-party conference, if one participant left the conference, it was no longer possible to add another participant.
  • The "Activate telephony" switch behaved inconsistently if the user did not have STARFACE UCC Premium / App Premium permission.
  • A call attempt started via "Contacts" => "Keys" was not started via GSM even if GSM was selected as active dialing mode.
  • In indiviual cases, incoming calls were not signaled (and also not visible in the journal) in scenarios with a network switch from WLAN to mobile data network.
  • In individual cases the connection during an active incoming call to an android client was interrupted when the device it runs on switched from an internal network (WLAN) to GSM(Mobile Data).
  • In individual cases, there were problems with the audio quality (loud noises) during the subsequent call after changing the audio device (for example to a Bluetooth device).
  • On certain display sizes, there were small display errors with the buttons in the notification window for an incoming call.
  • In the iFMC menu item, the highlighting of the switch for "Confirm answering calls by keypress" was not correct.

Improvements / New Features

  • [SC] Clicking on the red hang-up button in scenarios with several simultaneous calls (e.g. a call on hold during a consultation call) will only end the active call. The call that is on hold remains. [Call#6954278]
  • Selecting a custom ringtone.
  • Notification for missed calls.
  • Optimizations of the Keypad menu item.
  • Display of search suggestions for auto-completion of the entered phone number in the number block.
  • Starting from a chat entry in the overall view of the journal, it is now possible to quickly and easily call back the participant.
  • The previously entered phone number is no longer displayed in the keypad after a call started there has been ended.
  • In the call screen, the displayed status for a held call in system language German is now GEHALTEN.
  • After a consultation call has been ended by the other party, you will be asked for the held call whether you want to accept or reject it. 
  • The "GSM" option is only displayed as a selectable dialing mode option when starting a call via a long click on the Call icon from the number block, via a BLF or via an entry in the journal if it is an external phone number or one is stored for the contact.
