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titleBeta-Version 6.7.4

STARFACE Mobile Client for iPhone, Version 6.7.4 Build 119 (Beta), Release Date: 17.09.2020 (Beta)


Version 6.7.4 Build 119 (Release Date: 17.09.2020)


  • Necessary adjustments in the context of iOS 14 changes: Among othersother things, display of incoming calls as notification at the top of the display.
  • Improvement of the automated crash reporting.


  • After rejecting an incoming call via the Mobile Client for iPhone, it continued ringing on other STARFACE clients.
  • If an active call was made at the Mobile Client and a second call was received at the Mobile Client in parallel, both calls were cancelled [Call#6960420].
  • The Mobile Client logged in with the stored user data if it was brought to the foreground, although you had already logged out before [Call#6963187].
  • It was possible to change the login data while you were already logged into the Mobile Client.
  • In certain constellations, no error message was displayed if the softphone could not be activated/deactivated because you are logged on to a system that cannot be accessed from outside, e.g. due to an installed firewall, and therefore no server connection was possible.
  • When calling your own mailbox (*9) then the lower three buttons in the Call Screen were also active.
  • In some cases you were not heard on the first incoming call after installing the app due to missing microphone permissions, if you had not started a call yourself before.
  • When creating a scheduled conference, the error message displayed for an invalid phone number was not completely correct.
  • The notification counter on the app icon for a missed call was not counted up correctly for new missed calls.
  • App continued ringing if the call has already been answered on another device.
  • Client was disconnected after update, although he was logged in before update.
  • The app sometimes crashed after the iPhone was unlocked and the Mobile Client was brought from the background to the foreground.
  • If you entered a non-existent server address / hostname in the login area of the settings, then the login attempt took a very long time until it failed.
  • With a STARFACE-Cloud/VM a login to the Mobile Client for iPhone was not possible correctly.
  • Bugfixes to improve stability.

Beta-Version 6.7.4 Build 118 (Release Date: 02.09.2020)


  • Improvement of the automated crash reporting.


  • After rejecting an incoming call via the Mobile Client for iPhone, it continued ringing on other STARFACE clients.
  • If an active call was made at the Mobile Client and a second call was received at the Mobile Client in parallel, both calls were cancelled [Call#6960420].
  • The Mobile Client logged in with the stored user data if it was brought to the foreground, although you had already logged out before [Call#6963187].
  • It was possible to change the login data while you were already logged into the Mobile Client.
  • In certain constellations, no error message was displayed if the softphone could not be activated/deactivated because you are logged on to a system that cannot be accessed from outside, e.g. due to an installed firewall, and therefore no server connection was possible.
  • When calling your own mailbox (*9) then the lower three buttons in the Call Screen were also active.
  • In some cases you were not heard on the first incoming call after installing the app due to missing microphone permissions, if you had not started a call yourself before.
  • When creating a scheduled conference, the error message displayed for an invalid phone number was not completely correct.
  • The notification counter on the app icon for a missed call was not counted up correctly for new missed calls.
  • App continued ringing if the call has already been answered on another device.
  • User was disconnected after update, although he was logged in before update.
  • The app sometimes crashed after the iPhone was unlocked and the Mobile Client was brought from the background to the foreground.
  • If you entered a non-existent server address / hostname in the login area of the settings, then the login attempt took a very long time until it failed.
  • With a STARFACE-Cloud/VM a login to the Mobile Client for iPhone was not possible correctly.
  • Bugfixes to improve stability.
