

Versionen im Vergleich


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titleVersion 6.7.1

STARFACE UCC Client for Windows, Version (Beta)194

The technical change history contains a more detailed view of the changes in the new version. The installers (as MSI and EXE files) can be found on the STARFACE Downloads page.

The STARFACE UCC Client for Windows requires Windows 10 or higher

Version 6.7.1.

179 (Beta)



  • Optimization of scaling for high-resolution monitorsA Genesis World Link in the UCC Client Chat is displayed as a clickable link.
  • Request to change the password of newly created users at the first login.
  • Display of a unique error message when a user with a User Light license logs on to the UCC Client for Windows.
  • Embedded Chromium can be used in browser panel.
  • Display of a hand cursor when the mouse pointer is over a link in the chat window.
  • If checkboxes are selected in the UCC Client for Windows, they are displayed with a check icon.
  • A zoom factor can be configured in expert mode.
  • The settings have been removed from the Quick Access Bar.
  • A Genesis World Link in the UCC Client Chat is displayed as a clickable link.


  • The name resolution for contacts from Outlook for a group call in the default configuration did not work correctly [Call#1055528][Call#1066770][Call#6901645][Call#6902131][Call#6936547][Call#6937565][#6938672][#6939955].
  • Sennheiser headset control was not possible [Call#6939076].
  • UCC Client Address Book contacts with the same phone number but different names have been combined [Call#6940916].
  • Deleted call list was in some cases only displayed empty after restart [Call#6938484].
  • The HotKey Ctrl + Shift. + W did not ignore a (0) integrated in the number [Call#6942450].
  • Call could not be retrieved in certain cases after "Hold" (ended instead) [Call#6939605].
  • A grabbed group call was not displayed in TAPI applications such as CRM systems [Call#6940869] [Call#6943594].
  • UCC Client queried redirections even though the permission was not assigned.
  • The Outlook Connector queried the Exchange calendar even though Auto Away was not enabled at the Outlook appointment.
  • The Outlook Connector did not scale correctly with the latest Office Update.
  • A user could not start a new conference after leaving a conference as long as the other conference was not terminated.
  • [from Beta] UCC client crashed on startup if there were more than 1300 running fax transmissions for the user on the server [Call#6943125].
  • [from Beta] The presence status in the UCC client was incorrect in some cases [Call#6942633].
  • [from Beta] Call could not be made via a Sennheiser headset if caller name contains an "&".

Version (Beta):


  • Optimization of scaling for high-resolution monitors
  • Request to change the password of newly created users at the first login
  • Display of a unique error message when a user with a User Light license logs on to the UCC Client for Windows
  • Embedded Chromium can be used in browser panel
  • Display of a hand cursor when the mouse pointer is over a link in the chat window
  • If checkboxes are selected in the UCC Client for Windows, they are displayed with a check icon
  • A zoom factor can be configured in expert mode
  • The settings have been removed from the Quick Access Bar
  • A Genesis World Link in the UCC Client Chat is displayed as a clickable link


  • The name resolution for contacts from Outlook for a group call in the default configuration did not work correctly [Call#1055528][Call#1066770][Call#6901645][Call#6902131][Call#6936547][Call#6937565][#6938672][#6939955]
  • Sennheiser headset control was not possible [Call#6939076]
  • UCC Client Address Book contacts with the same phone number but different names have been combined [Call#6940916]
  • UCC Client queried redirections even though the permission was not assigned
  • Deleted call list was in some cases only displayed empty after restart [Call#6938484]
  • The HotKey Ctrl + Shift. + W did not ignore a (0) integrated in the number [Call#6942450]
  • Call could not be retrieved in certain cases after "Hold" (ended instead) [Call#6939605]
  • The Outlook Connector queried the Exchange calendar even though Auto Away was not enabled at the Outlook appointment
  • The Outlook Connector did not scale correctly with the latest Office Update


titleVersion 6.7

STARFACE UCC Client for Windows, Version

The technical change history contains a more detailed view of the changes in the new version. The installers (as MSI and EXE files) can be found on the STARFACE Downloads page.

The STARFACE UCC Client for Windows requires Windows 10 or higher



  • The client now checks if it has write permissions for the Temp-Directory on start. The Client cannot be started without write-access to this directory


  • The String "SoundDeviceSuffixNotPluggedIn" was erroneously appended to unplugged audio device names in the audio configuration settings
  • The Client crashed because it reached Windows' maximum window count
  • The error message "Missing permission" was displayed when creating a "Redirection (Single)" key, regardless of the user's permissions



  • Added the ability to assign two default status texts: auto-away, logged off
  • Added the option to deactivate navigation in the UCC Client's internal browser, as this feature could have negative effects on the UCC Client's memory footprint [Call#6926009]
  • Function keys which are not supported in the UCC Client are now hidden
  • Address book contacts now no longer attempt to display a presence status on mouse-over, as they do not have one

  • Microphone gain level can now be set automatically (setting can be activated via the expert mode)
  • Improved phone number detection in the Outlook Connector [Call#6910907]
  • The client now dials phone numbers correctly that begin with +49 0 [Call#6923359]
  • "Send Email" is now available via the search function in the Quick Access Bar and the Call Manager) [Call#6916577]
  • The names of telephone conference participants are now also able to be resolved from the Outlook address book
  • Security: OpenSSL library updated to version 1.1.0j
  • Separate ringtones for internal and external calls can now be set in the expert configuration
  • The installer now prompts the user to restart their computer if the .Net Framwork 4.7.2 needed to be installed


  • The chat status text was retained when the UCC Client was first set to "Away" due to the user having logged off and then set to "Available" again. [Call#6931462]
  • In some cases, a chat message that was written into the Interaction field of a call was not sent.
  • Network connectivity issues caused persistent problems with phone calls
  • Users had access to redirections, regardless of the permission setting
  • The function key "activate modules" was available regardless of the permission setting
  • Links in chat messages were displayed incorrectly if they contained numbers
  • Received files could not be opened if the file name contained Umlauts (ä/ö/ü)
  • The presence status text remained in place after the user logged out [Call#6927802]
  • The OK button to create a Support Package was not displayed at high DPI scaling factors
  • Fixed miscellaneous typos in the settings window
  • The doorline feed was not automatically scaled to the size of the embedded panel [Call#6914650]
  • No error message was displayed when attempting to save an iFMC number that is already assigned [Call#6921452]
  • No error message was not displayed when saving a planned conference failed [Call#6922699]
  • It was possible to create a duplicate iFMC device by adding an iFMC device with a canonical phone number
  • It was possible for the client to remain unregistered after the network connection was lost and restored
  • Long caller names were shortened and covered the call duration indicator
  • Names and email-addresses of planned conference participants are now read-only [Call#6922699]
  • Quickdial function keys incorrectly had a context menu symbol
  • It was possible for the entire window to be pushed to the foreground instead of just the call manager panel on a ringing call [Call#6905727]
  • It was possible for the search function in the Outlook Add-In to return no results [Call#6916578]
  • Address book contacts could not be created via the WCF API
  • REST services such as conferences and function key creation could not be used when the user did not have the permission "Address book"
  • The Outlook Connector and Fax Printer did not work properly if HyperV was installed locally
  • The Outlook Connector's contact search-bar did not work after a Windows system update


titleVersion 6.6

STARFACE UCC Client for Windows, Version

The technical change history contains a more detailed view of the changes in the new version. The installers (as MSI and EXE files) can be found on the STARFACE Downloads page.

The STARFACE UCC Client for Windows requires Windows 7 or higher



  • The Outlook Connector and Fax Printer integrations did not work if Hyper-V was installed on the same system [Call#6922059]
  • Fixed audio issues that were reported with some Sennheiser headsets [Call#6923584] [Call#6925083]
  • Fixed a problem that could occur when answering a call in the Client and on a headset simultaneously [Call#6926586]
  • The Outlook Connector's contact search bar stopped working after a Windows update
  • Contacts were not always correctly saved when added via the UCC Client's WCF-API



  • Warning of faulty Plantronics integration after Plantronics Hub update to version 3.13


  • Some calls could not be ended by a single click on the "hang up button" [Call#6923988]
  • After a Windows update, the Outlook Connector and Fax Printer connection no longer worked [Call#6922059]

  • After the client update to version the address book did not work on some devices [Call#6921222]

  • It was also possible to transfer files without chat permissions [Call#6922032]

  • Fixed a bug when starting Outlook: "OutlookConnector has fired an exception" [Call#6921774] [Call#6919869] [Call#6923017] [Call#6922439] [Call#6918707] [Call#6909428]
  • After unlocking Windows, the client froze or crashed [Call#6922799]


New Features

  • The text describing the creation of a support package in the Client has been improved

  • Tooltips for conference icons have been added

  • The description of the language settings has been improved
  • The fax driver integration has been improved [Call#6921029]


  • It was possible for the green "answer" button to not be displayed on an incoming conference call under specific circumstances

  • It was possible for an accidental double-click to end incoming phone calls
  • When used as a terminal server application, the Client displayed a warning when the Softphone was not registered on the terminal server [Call#6921382] [Call#6919879]
  • The Outlook Connector displayed group calls in the Call List [Call#6921011]
  • It was possible for some calls to display an "unknown" call state in some TAPI applications such as TAIFUN [Call#6919220]
  • It was possible for entering specific text strings in the chat message box to cause the Client to crash [Call#6920522]
  • The Function Key "Telephone Menu: Call Lists" was configured incorrectly [Call#6920520]
  • It was possible for the Client setup to create empty GhostScript registry entries which prevented PDFs from being created by eDocPrintPro
  • In some cases it was possible for forwarded calls to Call-Hunting-Groups to not be signalled to TAPI [Call#6916641]
  • The Function Key editing panel was displayed when the user did not have permissions to use it [Call#6919788]
  • The conference list now displays up to 100 conferences
  • Calls could not be answered via a Plantronics headset [Call#6919408]


New Features

  • Function keys and busy lamp fields can now be configured within the UCC Client for Windows.

  • Moderated conferences can now be planned and configured within the UCC Client for Windows.

  • Users can now change their user profile and avatar within the UCC Client for Windows.
  • Files can now be sent via copy & paste and from the clipboard in a chat window.
  • The chat status is now displayed on the UCC Client tray icon and can be set via right-mouse click.
  • Received files are now saved in the default "Downloads" directory.
  • The automatic resolution of emoticons and telephone numbers in chat messages can now be deactivated via an Expert Mode setting.
  • Telephone numbers in chat messages are now displayed with a telephone earpiece symbol.
  • The audio codec used for telephone calls can now be set via an Expert Mode setting.
  • AddIn Express 9.1.4620 was integrated.
  • Sennheiser SDK 6.0.8011 was integrated.


  • The Outlook Connector occasionally became undocked. [Call#6911595]

  • In some configurations, TAPI calls only worked after multiple attempts. [Call#6909616][Call#6911648]
  • In some situations the TAPI connector did not write a log.
  • It was possible, under certain conditions, for a user to see another user's address book.
  • The chat message indicator displayed "infinity" when the user had more than 10 unread messages. [Call#6909802]
  • Some character sequences were not selected fully when double-clicked.
  • The character "&" was not displayed in chat status messages.
  • It was possible for an error to occur when adding a participant to a conference call.
  • The client could become unresponsive when starting a chat session by drag-and-dropping a BLF on the Chat window.
  • The client required a softphone license after an update, even when the softphone was never activated. [Call#6911047]
  • The call list size limit in the Outlook Add-On was not respected. [Call#6914732]
  • Fixed miscellaneous minor visual errata.
  • Some features did not take user permissions into account.
  • There was no notification message when the client did not have permission to access the microphone.
  • The Outlook Add-On displayed outgoing TAPI calls as incoming calls. [Call#6911671]
  • Under certain conditions, users weren't able to handle forms properly.
  • Sometimes there were missing skin files after an update


titleVersion 6.5.1

STARFACE UCC Client for Windows, Version 6.5.1 Build

The technical change history contains a more detailed view of the changes in the new version. The installers (as MSI and EXE files) can be found on the STARFACE Downloads page.

The STARFACE UCC Client for Windows requires Windows 7 or higher



  • The Outlook Connector plug-in window was displayed separately from Outlook [Call#6911595]


New Features

  • Instant messages are now synchronized immediately by the server between chat clients.

  • The client setup routine has been comprehensively reworked.


  • In rare circumstances, it was possible for the UCC Client to be unable to initiate phone calls after approximately 3 hours.[Call#6902965][Call#1074045]

  • It was not possible to answer an incoming call while in a conference.

  • It was possible for a duplicate call manager to be created when placing a phone call.

  • The Outlook Connector sporadically lost its connection.[Call#6903025]

  • No error message was displayed after a fax failed to be sent.

  • It was possible for calls to busy numbers to cause problems for TAPI applications in rare circumstances.

  • The Call Completion on Busy Signal (CCBS) service occasionally caused errors in connected applications. [Call#6905199]

  • Microsoft Office Contact Cards could sporadically display an incorrect presence status and user avatar.

  • It was possible for TAPI lines to be registered incorrectly under certain circumstances.

  • When using a second IM client, the UCC Client moved into the foreground and took the keyboard focus upon receipt of a new message.

  • Updating the UCC Client could fail due to a conflict with the Snom D7 device driver.


titleVersion 6.5

STARFACE UCC Client for Windows, Version 6.5, Build

The technical change history contains a more detailed view of the changes in the new version. The installers (as MSI and EXE files) can be found on the STARFACE Downloads page.

The STARFACE UCC Client for Windows requires Windows 7 or higher

New Features

  • Screen-Sharing has been implemented. The contents of a display can now be shared with call participants.
  • Remote Control has been implemented. Call participants can now be given permission to control the user's mouse and keyboard.


  • The "Encryption" padlock symbol has been removed from the call manager, as all calls with the UCC Client are encrypted automatically.
  • The primary telephone device is now the first device in the selection dropdown [Call#Forum]
  • The installation of the UCC Client for Windows no longer requires the installation of the Visual C++ 2015 Runtime.
  • The error message displayed when logging in to the client with a user that does not have the server permission "UCI" has been improved.
  • The chat window now scrolls when selecting text when the cursor moves over the top or bottom edge of the chat window.
  • The default Internet Explorer browser engine used by the UCC Client for Windows has been updated.
  • Logging configuration has been simplified and moved to the Expert Mode.
  • The call manager now only displays up to 30 pre-defined function keys. [Call#1074129]
    Developer comment: We found that too many function keys could drastically slow down the client, which is why we reduced the maximum number displayed to 30.
  • Audio and Video codecs can now be configured in the client's Expert Mode.
    Developer comment: A comprehensive list of available codecs can be found in the documentation.


  • Fixed a bug that would cause a crash when accessing the Client via an RDP session in rare circumstances. [Call#1076606]
  • Fixed a bug that caused timestamps to be displayed incorrectly after changing the time-zone of the computer. [Call#1074141]
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Outlook Connector to fail to load if a SMARTCRM Add-in was previously loaded. [Call#1061543]
  • Fixed a bug that could cause a blind transfer via Drag & Drop to fail.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the received video stream in the call manager to only display a part of the screen during a video call.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a login to fail when logged in to a Samba3 Domain on the computer [Call#1070372]
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the connection between Outlook and the UCC Client to be disrupted when accessing the computer via Remote Desktop. [Call#1077181]
  • Fixed a bug that caused some character sequences in URL Hyperlinks to be interpreted as emoticons.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the client to fail to answer a waiting call. [Call#1078075]
  • Fixed a bug that led to the client not displaying an error when sending an IM while the client was offline.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the client to not send audio to a headset if the volume of a secondary device was changed in Windows. [Call#1078798]
  • Fixed a bug that caused clients on very slow computers to be unable to place or answer phone calls. [Call#Forum]
  • Fixed a rare bug that caused the TAPI line to be not available when the client started.
  • Fixed a bug that caused new call list entries via outlook to no be resolved correctly. [Call#6901645]


titleVersion 6.4.3

STARFACE UCC Client for Windows, Version 6.4.3, Build

New Features

  • iFMC can now be configured within the UCC Client
  • Chat messages can now be sent to offline users
  • A new ""expert configuration mode"" has been added, which contains seldom used settings

    Developer Comment: We have noticed that some settings are used rarely. These settings overloaded the Settings menu, which made building an intuitive configuration panel difficult. We therefore moved rare used and complex settings and to a separate ""Expert Mode"", to make the more commonly configured settings easier and simpler to find and set


  • The STARFACE Logo in the Quick Access Bar is now hidden when the client window is very small
  • The currently active participants in a chat room are now displayed
  • The Quick Access Bar now resizes itself dynamically based on the size of the window
  • Improvements to miscellaneous display issues


  • Fixed a bug that caused the wrong timestamp to be added to a chat message

  • Fixed a bug that, in rare cases, led to the client and the chat history panel becoming unresponsive

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the parsing of the parameter "FAXNUMBER" when sending a fax via the command line

  • Fixed a bug that caused only the "All" address book folder to be displayed after re-connecting the client

  • Fixed a bug that caused some special characters to

  • Fixed a bug that caused the task-bar icon to not flash when unlocking the computer if there were unread instant messages

  • Fixed a bug that could prevent the resolution of outlook contacts

  • Fixed a bug that could cause the client to continue to ring, even after the incoming call was answered

  • Fixed a bug that could, in rare cases, open a command prompt after the installation of the client

  • Fixed a bug that caused the outlook connector window to open at every folder change

  • Fixed a bug that prevented file transfers on cloud systems

  • Fixed a bug that caused display issues in video calls

  • Fixed a bug that could prevent the initiation of a video call

  • Fixed a bug where the "unread message" window when the UCC Client was opened via a flashing tray icon

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the chat window from gaining keyboard focus after it was opened via a BLF

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the display of the chat history

  • Fixed a bug that caused the current login credentials to be deleted when the expert configuration button "Reset all settings to default" was pressed

  • Fixed a bug that caused incorrect information to be displayed if auto-away was configured

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the UCC client from being added to a group chat

  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused new chat windows to unintentionally gain keyboard focus

  • Fixed a bug that occasionally caused the client to crash on incoming chat messages

  • Fixed a bug that occasionally prevented file transfers while a chat window was open

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the UCC Client from ringing if the STARFACE server module "Klingeltöne" was active

  • Fixed a bug that caused multiple chat windows to open for the same user

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the rendering of some websites

  • Fixed a bug preventing the display of the address book for some configurations


titleVersion 6.4.2

STARFACE UCC Client for Windows, Version 6.4.2, Build

New Features

  • Opening a chat window will now display the chat messages from the last two days
  • Persistent chat rooms
  • Phone calls to numbers in chat messages can now be started by clicking on the phone number
  • The Jabra headsets GN 8120, GN 9330 and GN 9350 are considered end-of-life by the manufacturer and are therefore no longer supported
  • It is now possible to send faxes via the Windows context menu entry "Send to..."
  • A notification is now sent if no audio stream is detected
  • The function "Call Reject" has been added to Jabra headsets
  • The touch-screen buttons on Jabra Pro headsets are now supported
  • The module "Gruppenspezifische Klingeltöne" is now supported
  • It is now possible to send bulk faxes via a CSV file


  • Added support for chat on multiple devices
  • An automatic redial has been added for fax calls
  • The contact search via function key now also searches the description of the key in addition to the assigned user name
  • The busylight on Jabra Evolve 80 headsets now displays DND when active
  • Added optimizations to attempt to keep a call alive during short connection drops
  • Function Keys without a label are now ignored
  • Windows shall no longer change to power-save mode during a phone call
  • The update notification now links to the release notes, instead of displaying them in the window
  • The confirmation request when deleting the local chat history has been improved
  • Full-Screen mode is now restored after restarting the client
  • New authentication mechanisms, if server version > (added to version
  • Improved handling of passwords, if server version > (added to version


  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: The "In phone call with" labels on BLFs were only displayed for a short period of time
    Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: A request for office contact cards was sent when closing the client
    Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: It was not possible to automatically install the client when deployed via PDQ (Call#1062042)
    Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: The leading zero was not removed from Swiss telephone numbers when placed in parentheses
    Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: Call Pickups via BLF in an interconnection were not executed
    Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: Chat messages would sporadically flicker when moused-over
    Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: Chat messages would sometimes be displayed twice
    Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: Inactive call forwards would sometimes be displayed as active
    Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: It was possible for the client to display new voicemail messages when there were none (Call#1056503)
    Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: Doorline panes did not display the video if the URL contained authentication parameters Call#1060600)
    Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: Emojis in chat messages would sometimes be squashed
    Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: Error messages from the fax printer driver were suppressed if the client was not running (Call#1061564)
    Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: It was not possible to call a phone number via hotkey if it was selected in a chat message
    Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: The chat status was not returned to available if it was set to auto-away and the computer switched to sleep mode
    Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: The presence indicator in BLFs and the chat pane were inconsistent after an automatic log-off/log-in due to sleep/hibernate
    Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: Chat tabs would disappear after the computer activated sleep mode
    Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: The Outlook Connector did not recognize some telephone numbers in Emails
    Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: Offline chat messages were displayed with the wrong timestamp
    Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: Fixed an issue which prevented the parsing of some telephone number formats by the Outlook Connector (Call#1063014)
    Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: Fixed an issue which could cause the call lists in the client and the webinterface to differ
    Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: The hardware buttons on Sennheiser headsets should now work on PCs running Windows 10 (Call#1057951)
    Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: Fixed an issue which could cause a silent installation via System Account to hang
    Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: The Softphone would not work if multiple IP addresses were available on the computer (Call#1061380)
    Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: Text in the chat history pane should no longer be illegible when using the Light skin
    Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: It was possible for a "typing" notification to be sent by an offline user (Call#1063274)
    Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: The call redirection popup would sometimes display the wrong redirections
    Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: It was possible for the connection to the server to drop unexpectedly (Call#1059652)
    Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: Long voicemail announcements would interrupt the pickup of a call to voicemail (Call#1057108)
    Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: Moving voicemails would move them in the wrong order (Call#1053729)
    Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: Weekend days in the chat history were not coloured properly
    Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: Line breaks in chat messages could lead to the message being displayed twice
    Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: Very long chat messages could significantly slow the UCC Client down
    Fixed: UCC Client für Windows: Client crashed when call manager was closed prior to being visible [Call#1067913] (fixed in version


titleVersion 6.4.1

STARFACE UCC Client f0r Windows, Version 6.4.1, Build


  • It is now possible to deactivate and delete the local chat history

  • The TAPI call states for outgoing calls have been optimized

  • Search: It is now possible to select from the results with the arrow keys and dial by pressing Enter


  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: Busy Lamp Field and Quick Dial keys would persist when logged out or when changing the server.

  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: Newly created address book entries were not being displayed immediately.

  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: It was possible for not selected Voicemails to be moved when moving multiple Voicemail messages. [Call#:1053729]

  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: No error message was displayed when attempting to send a fax to a contact without a fax number.

  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: Chat rooms were instantly closed if a user left the chat room.

  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: Doorline-keytones were not written to STARFACE server logs.

  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: The error message displayed when a chat partner was logged off opened a pop-up window like a new incoming message.

  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: It was possible for an error to occur when an incoming call closely followed a recorded call [Call#1059070 ]

  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: The TAPI Support Service could show multiple warnings in certain circumstances.

  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: It was possible for Voicemails to be incorrectly displayed.

  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: Fixed an issue which prevented the client from displaying new faxes [Call#1060312]

  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: It was possible for an error to occur when logging in if the user had deactivated the function key panel

  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: fixed an issue which prevented the altering of a hotkey [Call#1060091]

  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: Querying the calender for appointments significantly slowed down the start time of Microsoft Outlook [Call#1061040]

  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: It was possible for the audio performance test to prevent audio transmission on subsuquent phone calls


titleVersion 6.4

STARFACE UCC Client for Windows, Version 6.4, Build

The technical change history contains a more detailed view of the changes in the new version. The installers (as MSI and EXE files) can be found on the STARFACE Downloads page.

New Features

  • Configure redirections
  • "Away" state during outlook meetings is now applied to chat status
  • A Blind Transfer can now be initiated via Drag & Drop of the call onto a BLF (optional)
  • Accepting Call2Go via the UCC Call manager, to make it possible to use headsets without a dedicated button
  • Browser action: Calling a URL or command can now be executed in the background without displaying a UI
  • Call-Menu (R-Button): Quick Dials now also have the option to perform a Blind Transfer
  • Group redirections are now displayed in the Quick Access Bar
  • Hotkeys: The selection of Hotkeys is now restricted to sensible options
  • Hotkeys: Hotkeys can now be assigned to answer call, hang-up call and search for contact
  • Emoticons in chat messages are now replaced by emojis
  • There is now a command-line tool to create individualized UCC-Client configuration files
  • It is now possible to configure a specific exchange address book server
  • The layout of the UCC Client can now be distributed via a configuration file
  • A link to the user manual has been added to the "Help" context menu
  • The client will now attempt to find the STARFACE telephone system via SIP broadcast after the installation
  • Redirections can be defined via a user search, not just by telephone number
  • Windows Mixer: The Windows setting for "Sounds during communication activity" is now applied when answering a phone call


  • It is now possible to sort the address book by any column
  • Call-note email: the data is now included in the email body
  • Only open audio devices when they are being used
  • A single TAPI line is offered on single-workstation PCs
  • http:// and https:// are now automatically removed from the server address as these are not needed
  • Dialogue windows are now opened on the same monitor as the client when multiple monitors are in use
  • Usability has been improved in the case of extra-long voicemail messages and call recordings
  • The formatting for the call duration in the call list has been improved
  • It is now easier to select and copy chat messages
  • New tooltips have been added
  • The company name is now pulled from Outlook and displayed in the UCC-Client on active calls
  • The Kuando Busylight can now also display Agent Intermission and DND statuses
  • It is now possible to display list entries that are older than 30 days
  • The right-most chat tab is now active when a chat tab is closed
  • It is now possible for the Client to start automatically after being updated and installed
  • Searching for names now ignored duplicate results
  • Resetting the panel positions now replaced the "Standard" and "Expert" options
  • Rücksetzfunktion für Fenster ersetzt die Standard- und Expertenansicht
  • "Phone number" fields when creating and editing address book entries are now validated
  • Searching in the Outlook Connector now also returns results from the STARFACE Address Book and BLFs
  • It is now possible to disable the support for contact cards in Microsoft Office
  • Improved the search for Exchange contacts
  • The Windows Desktop Icon Cache is now reset during the installation
  • Improved the handling of web requests from the UCC Client for Windows which contain the character "+"


  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: [] Scheduled conference: Moderator permissions were not being correctly granted [Call#1045385]
  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: Dialling a number containing parentheses removed "0" after an international prefix in the UCC Client for Windows and Outlook Connector [Call#1056648]
  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: It was not possible to fully close a group chat session
  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: A Kuando Busylight would stop working if the computer was placed on or taken off a docking station while the UCC Client was still runningBei
  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: A button wrongly carried the label "Return" while the installer was calculating the size of the installation
  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: The client did not load the address book after starting [Call#1051875]
  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: The client would display "SIP/default" for users without a telephone
  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: The colour of the title bar text was too similar to the title bar itself when the client was not the focussed window (light-skin)
  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: Fax numbers with a "/" were not being detected
  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: The display of Function keys Funktionstasten could persist when logging in to a different server
  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: The background of the call list tabs was white instead of grey (light-skin)
  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: It was possible for a mouse-over action to hang on a BLF
  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: The Outlook Connector was not able to connect to the UCC Client [Call#1054796]
  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: It was possible for the Outlook Connector to not be loaded due to a missing signature on a DLL [Call#1056713]
  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: It was possible for the side-panel of the Outlook Connectors to become too wide [Call#1055201]
  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: The time at which the language of panels and tabs changed when changing the client language was not consistent
  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: Search results were not reset when performing a new search for telephone numbers in emails [Call#1052149]
  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: Fixed various typos in the address book
  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: The UCC Client was not able to make sure that the TAPI Support service was running [Call#1054015]
  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: The client would restore to windowed mode when minimized from fullscreen mode

Closed Support Tickets

  • Closed Support-Ticket: [] falsche Anzeigen in den Ruflisten UCC [Call#1044765]
  • Closed Support-Ticket: [] UCC Client für Windows kann nicht deinstalliert werden [Inhalt Call#1051779]
  • Closed Support-Ticket: [] Kontakt kann nicht über das Adressbuch des UCC Clients für Windows angelegt werden [Call#1047852]
  • Closed Support-Ticket: [] Ruf auf Mailbox wird am UCC Client für Windows (dauerhaft) angezeigt [Call#1052032]
  • Closed Support-Ticket: [] Adressbucheintrag lässt sich aus UCC Client für Windows heraus nicht anlegen [Call#1051978]
  • Closed Support-Ticket: [] UCC Client für Windows: Client lässt sich nicht installieren [Call#1053253]
  • Closed Support-Ticket: [] UCC Client für Windows: Kontakterstellung aus Rufliste schlägt bei LDAP-Adressbuch fehl [Call#1051978]
  • Closed Support-Ticket: [] Falsche Namensanzeige im UCC Client für Windows [Call#1053919]
  • Closed Support-Ticket: [] Fehlermeldung bei zweiter UCC Client für Windows-Anmeldung auf Terminalserver [Call#1054075]
  • Closed Support-Ticket: [] UCC Client für Windows: Adressbuch bei allen Benutzern leer [Call#1054163]
  • Closed Support-Ticket: [6.2] UCC Client für Windows: Installation via SCCM nicht möglich [Call#1051502]
  • Closed Support-Ticket: [] UCC Client kann sich nicht verbinden [Call#1056917]
  • Closed Support-Ticket: UCC Client für Windows friert sporadisch ein [Call#1049726]
  • Closed Support-Ticket: UCC Client für Windows schließt Fenster, wenn Rückfrage gestartet wird [Call#1046583]
  • Closed Support-Ticket: UCC Client für Windows stürzt ab sobald Videoeinstellungen aufgerufen werden [Call#1047421]
  • Closed Support-Ticket: UCC Client für Windows stürzt sporadisch ab [Call#1049448]
  • Closed Support-Ticket: UCC Client für Windows: Call-Manager Fenster öffnet und schließt sich bei Gruppenanrufen [Call#1048424]
  • Closed Support-Ticket: UCC Client für Windows: Chat-Nachrichten werden abgeschnitten [Call#1050781]
  • Closed Support-Ticket: UCC Client für Windows: Gesprächsnotiz wird unvollständig als E-Mail versendet [Call#1048151]
  • Closed Support-Ticket: UCC Client für Windows: Outlook Add-in schwenkt nach Start umher [Call#1048475]
  • Closed Support-Ticket: UCC Client für Windows: Outlook Kontakte aus öffentlichem Ordner nicht abrufbar [Call#1047897]
  • Closed Support-Ticket: UCC Client für Windows: received frame with invalid timing info [Call#: 1046067]
  • Closed Support-Ticket: UCC Client für Windows: Suche von lokalen Outlook Kontakten "lähmt" Outlook [Call#1050043]
  • Closed Support-Ticket: UCC Client für Windows: Telefonie nicht möglich, wenn dem Rechner zwei IP-Adressen zugeordnet sind [Call#1048245]
  • Closed Support-Ticket: UCC Client für Windows: Verbund: Client wählt bei internen Anrufen Länder- und Ortsvorwahl davor [Call#1048048]


titleVersion 6.3

STARFACE UCC Client for Windows, Version 6.3, Build

New Features

  • Chat History
  • It is now possible to configure an automatic away-status based on inactivity, screen lock and screen saver
  • Optional: The client is now able to detect and install client updates automatically.
  • It is now possible to use an unlimited amount of Snom D7 expansion modules in conjunction with the UCC Client for Windows


  • The function "Group Chat from Conference Call" is now more visible
  • It is now easier to see the "Edit" Button when viewing an address book entry
  • The client now uses considerably less memory
  • Drag & Drop: The display of the performed action is now improved
  • It is now possible to mute a call in the UCC Client
  • The client no longer accepts incoming TCP/TLS connections to prevent DoS attacks
  • The time-zone in the client is now synchronized with the server


  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: A rejected consultation call would prevent any further inquiry calls from being started
  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: It was not possible to sign in via LDAP with a password containing an umlaut
  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: Chat messages were being cut off by the right-hand edge of the screen
  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: It was possible for the Client to close open windows when a consultation call was started [Call#1046583]
  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: The start-up time of the client has been improved significantly
  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: The client only supported single-digit interconnection prefixes [Call#1048048]
  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: An error would sporadically occur when saving an LDAP contact in the address book [Call#1051978]
  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: The Plantronics SDK threw an error message when a second user signed in to the terminal server [Call#1054075]
  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: It was possible for the call note to only be partially sent by email [Call#1048151]
  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: Fixed an issue which caused the client to crash after running for a very long time [Call#1049726] [Call#1049448]
  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: It was possible for the Outlook Add-in window to move after starting the client [Call#1048475]
  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: It was possible for Outlook to become not responsive when the STARFACE plugin was active [Call#1052749]
  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: Fixed an issue which caused the Asterisk log to contain many occurences of "received frame with invalid timing info" [Call#1046067]
  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: It was not possble for the setup routine to find Ghostscript as its download path had changed
  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: Searching for local Outlook contacts would cause Outlook to slow down significantly [Call#1050043]
  • Fixed: UCC Client for Windows: It was possible for the order of the function keys to change [Call#1053692]

Closed Support Tickets

  • Closed Support Ticket: [] UCC Client for Windows: Im UCC Client sollten Namen angezeigt werden, die vom Outlook Connector aufgelöst wurden [Call#1037438]
  • Closed Support Ticket: [] UCC Client for Windows: Softwareverteilung nur wenn Admin [Call#1047602]
  • Closed Support Ticket: [] UCC Client for Windows: Client lässt sich nicht installieren [Call#1053253]
  • Closed Support Ticket: [] UCC Client for Windows: Adressbuch bei allen Benutzern leer [Call#1054163]
  • Closed Support Ticket: [6.2] Installation von UCC Client for Windows via SCCM nicht möglich [Call#1051502]
  • Closed Support Ticket: UCC Client for Windows: Chat teilweise problematisch bei Einsatz im Terminal Server und fremden Chatclient [Call#1041273]
  • Closed Support Ticket: UCC Client for Windows: Client stürzt ab, sobald Videoeinstellungen aufgerufen werden [Call#1047421]
  • Closed Support Ticket: UCC Client for Windows: Suche von lokalen Outlook-Kontakten verlangsamt Outlook [Call#1050043]
