

Versionen im Vergleich


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titleVersion 6.6.0.X

STARFACE Mobile Client for Android, Version, Release Date: 31.01.2019

Version (Release Date: 31.01.2019)

New Features and Improvements

  • Confrences can now be configured
  • User data can now be altered
  • iFMC can now be configured
  • Redirections can now be configured
  • The versioning of the client has been adjusted to better reflect compatibility to the STARFACE server
  • The user will now be shown a response when logging in
  • The logging feature has been expanded; the client no longer only logs errors in the case of a crash, it can also be set to log normal usage for trouble-shooting issues


  • Group chats were displayed incorrectly [Call#6918186]
  • The permissions for retrieving contacts were not requested regularly
  • In some cases, the client could become disconnected from the STARFACE server
  • An empty login screen opened after changing the login credentials and pressing "Login with new data"
  • It was possible for the set Call-Back and Call-Through numbers to presist through loggin in with another user's credentials.
