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titleVersion 2.3

STARFACE Mobile Client for Android, Version 2.3.10, Release Date: 01.10.2018

New Features and Improvements

  • To improve availability, Push notifications are now used (requires a STARFACE Server running STARFACE or higher)

  • Bluetooth devices can now be used to place and control phone calls
  • Call brokering is now possible when performing inquiry calls
  • Searching for strings containing spaces has been improved
  • If no iFMC device has been configured, a message is displayed instructing the user to configure the iFMC device on the STARFACE PBX
  • The volume of the key sounds has been reduced to a more acceptable level. If the phone is set to vibrate or silent then no sounds are played


  • Contacts from the STARFACE address book were sometimes not found

  • The phone proximity sensor would mute the current phone call on some devices
  • It was possible for a contact search to crash the Mobile Client app
  • Conference calls with three participants sometimes remained in the call manager after being hung up
  • It was possible for no logs to be generated when the Mobile Client app crashed
  • It was possible for an incoming call via GSM to be connected to an active SIP call
  • DTMF entries were not executed correctly
  • Minor bugs in the UI were fixed
  • Fixed several client crash causes
