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titleVersion 8.1.4 (Beta)

STARFACE for iOS, Version 8.1.4 Build 912, Release Date: 2429.04.2024 (Beta)

Beta-Version 8.1.4 Build 12 (Release Date: 29.04.2024)

Improvements / Optimizations

  • The bugfix from the previous beta version 8.1.4 (9) regarding problems with chat status changes when bringing the app back to the foreground has been removed. Inconsistencies have been identified that still need to be resolved (a solution will be provided in the upcoming app versions). The old behavior of the previous app version 8.1.3 now applies again.
  • Technical optimizations.

Beta-Version 8.1.4 Build 9 (Release Date: 24.04.2024)


  • Technical optimizations.


  • Bugfixes to fix / prevent increased app crashes. The SF app crashed more frequently with the last beta versions after opening or bringing the app to the foreground.
  • (Fixed) The chat status changed unintentionally when the SF iOS app was brought back to the foreground (to the last active status set in the SF iOS app itself, if the status was changed again in the SF desktop app in the meantime and the SF iOS app was then moved to the background).

Beta-Version 8.1.4 Build 6 (Release Date: 14.04.2024)


  • Technical optimizations.

Beta-Version 8.1.4 Build 4 (Release Date: 12.04.2024)

New Features / Improvements

  • Group chat name is now displayed in the journal.
  • Siri function "Call user with STARFACE" now also available for the SF iOS app (with locked screen, app in background, app in foreground, app closed).
  • Technical optimizations.


  • [SC] In some cases, push notifications for new incoming chat messages were still displayed after logout. [Call#7929843]
