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titleVersion 2.19

STARFACE Mobile Client for IOS, Version 2.19

  • New Features und Improvements

    • Push notifications are now used to improve availability. This means that important notifications and events are displayed on the device’s screen, without the need for the app to be open

    • Apple CallKit has been integrated. This means that the STARFACE Client is a fully integrated phone app in iOS

    • GSM calls can now be started from the app without an active data connection

    • Phone calls via Call-Through can now be started via the GSM network without an active data connection


    • Fixed a bug which could prevent starting phone calls and sending faxes from the journal

    • Fixed a bug which prevented the answering of phone calls while the iPhone was locked

    • Fixed a bug which caused the app to crash after using the Call-2-Go function

    • Fixed various display issues

    • Fixed miscellaneous small issues