

Versionen im Vergleich


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Important notes

Various manufacturers (including Samsung, Huawei, Xiaomi and OnePlus) have been tightening their battery management policies for some time in order to improve battery life. In many cases, this automatically prevents the background activity of apps in certain constellations if the user does not explicitly allow it for an app. This can also affect the STARFACE Mobile App, so that in certain cases, for example, no calls or chat messages are signalled in the STARFACE App.

We therefore recommend that you check the system settings on your device regarding prioritised background activity and adjust the settings if necessary.

Via the following link, you can find a small exemplary instruction as an error guide (based on some device-specific examples):
Error guide - Calls are not displayed in the Mobile Client.

Release notes

titleVersion 8.0.2 (Beta)

STARFACE for Android, Version 8.0.2 Build 425, Release Date: 28.07.2023

Beta-Version 8.0.2 Build 425 (Release Date: 28.07.2023)

Improvements / New Features

  • Automatic Reloading on Chat Server Connection Issues: Lists and contents now automatically reload when encountering chat server connection problems during initial loading or refreshing. Applies to Journal and Chat views.

  • Voicemail Redirection Restricted to Authorized Users: Voicemail redirection now limited to authorized users with "Voicemail" permission.

  • User-Friendly Quit Option: "Quit" now prompts a confirmation dialogue to prevent accidental closure.

  • Technical Revisions for optimized performance, stability, and code quality.

  • Unified popup layout:
    • All popups in the app now use the same layout for their design, ensuring a consistent and uniform user experience.

    • Improved popup variations: We have updated and refined the design of various popups in the app to ensure visual consistency and improved user experience.

    • Updated popup colors to ensure a harmonious color scheme for all popups.

  • Minor Visual Adjustments for Design and User Interface.

  • Updated STARFACE App Icons


  • [SC] Softphone after app restart: The softphone was always activated after restarting the app, even if it was previously deactivated. This bug has been fixed so that the previous state will always apply in the future.
  • [SC] Redirection Entries: When the phone number field was cleared and saved for a set redirection without assigning a mailbox, the entry disappeared from the app and couldn't be retrieved. This problem has been fixed.

  • Journal Entries: Lists in the "Calls," "Fax," and "Voicemails" tabs were not displaying entries. This issue has been resolved, and entries are now visible as expected.
  • "Start Chat With" Menu: Opening a chat from the Journal unexpectedly triggered the "Start Chat With" menu when attempting to send a message. This behavior has been corrected, and the menu will no longer appear.

  • Invalid Email Address: An issue has been fixed where an erroneous error message was displayed when attempting to save an invalid email address in the user's profile. Now, the appropriate error message for invalid email addresses is displayed correctly.

  • Local Contacts Profile Picture: The profile picture of local contacts was not appearing in the contact details. This bug has been resolved, and the profile picture is now displayed correctly.
